Emergency Relief

Assist in a time of need
Delivering disaster relief quickly to communities in need not only restores lost assets but also invests in the economic and democratic health of the affected communities in the long term. Sangamithra Foundation has partnered with several non-profit organizations over the years to deliver disaster relief where it is most urgently needed. 

Provide timely relief for faster recovery

Here’s a look at some of the projects that we have worked on: 
    • Donated water, food, medicines and other essentials to provide aid to victims of the Chennai Floods. 2015 
    • Donated to provide aid to victims of the earthquake in Nepal. 2015 
    • Donated to the Red Cross to provide aid to victims of Hurricane Sandy. 2012 
    • Donated sleeping mats to victims of the Puducherry Floods in India. 2019 
    • Donated food, beds, household goods, cleaning supplies and medicines to victims of the Kerala Floods. 2018 
    • Donated books to rebuild a public library destroyed by the Kerala Floods. 2018 
    • Donated food kits and masks to impoverished tribal families whose livelihood was affected by the pandemic enforced lockdowns. 2020 
    • Donated masks to school children from low-income families to help them return to school safely during the pandemic.2020 
    • Donated tarpaulin sheets to low-income families to rebuild homes destroyed by a hurricane in Chennai, India. 2021 

    Your donations help the disadvantaged rebuild their lives when disaster strikes. Donate today to make a difference!